Glenmark Cardiac Center, established in 1997, is a diagnostic center conducting the entire range of what are known as non-invasive diagnostic tests in cardiology using state-of-the-art equipment. The doctors performing the tests are all qualified cardiologists with extensive training and a experience spanning over 25 years each. Our sole mission is to provide quality non-invasive cardiac diagnosis.
We can proudly state that, we have become one of the premier referral centers in the country for conducting these tests. Our focus is the non invasive evaluation of adults as well as children and babies who suffer from heart problems.

Case History
34 yrs-old male, S/P AVR (St Jude mechanical valve) in 2020. Presented with dyspnea on excretion . Increased symptoms since one month. Had a parieto-temporal stroke on sept, 2023. No history of fever.
Physical findings: BP = 90/60 mm Hg, pulse = 96 beats /min, O2 = 98 %, JVP not raised, no pallor/thyroid. CVS – ESM +EDM, Chest – clear.
ECG: LVH with strain.
What is the Diagnosis??
Impression: Metallic aortic valve thrombosis in a recent CVA
The Echo clips in apical 5 chamber view show there is a metallic prosthesis in aortic position. There is severe aortic restenosis. The peak / mean systolic gradient across the aortic valve are 156/112 mm Hg. The aortic valve area by continuity is 0.7 sq cm. There is moderately severe (Grade III/IV) intravalvar leak. There is a suggestion of thrombus on aortic valve measuring 12 x 18 mm. Echo features are suggestive of a stuck valve